Pat Metheny Plays 'Solar'

Pat Metheny - Orchestrion - Book
Pat Metheny says, 'Orchestrionics' is the term that I am using to describe a method of developing ensemble-oriented music using acoustic and acousto-electric musical instruments that are mechanically controlled in a variety of ways - with the pieces on this particular recording leaning toward the compositional side of the spectrum. On top of these layers of acoustic sound, I add my conventional electric guitar playing as an improvised component.' Here are the original scores for five pieces: 'Entry Point * Expansion * Orchestrion * Soul Search * Spirit of the Air'.
Notation and tab...................................................................Price - $19.95

Pat Metheny Plays 'Spirit Of The Air'

Pat Metheny - Rejoicing - Book
Songs include: 'Lonely Woman, Tears Inside, Humpty Dumpty, Blues For Pat, Rejoicing, Story From A Stranger, The Calling, Waiting For An Answer'.
Notation and tab...................................................................Price - $19.95

Pat Metheny Plays 'Blues For Pat'

Pat Metheny - The Pat Metheny Song Book: Complete Collection - Book
Includes all 167 compositions written by Pat Metheny as well as a complete discography of all of his albums and a biography. Starting his jazz career at the age of 15, he became the youngest teacher ever (19) at the Berklee College of Music and has won countless polls as 'Best Jazz Guitarist' and innumerable awards, including three gold records. He continues to be one of the brightest stars in the jazz community. Now for the first time ever, all guitarists can play and study every note Pat Metheny has ever written in this 448 page book that he deems his 'most exciting project since my first album'.
Standard notation w/chord names.....................................Price - $49.95

Pat Metheny Plays 'Minuano'

Pat Metheny - The Way Up - Book
This is the complete score for the four-part composition from this new release by the Pat Metheny Group. National Public Radio says the album has an ambitious compositional style that amounts to an epic journey'. Songs include: 'The Opening, Part 1, Part 2, and Part Three.
Notation and tab...................................................................Price - $24.95

Pat Metheny Plays 'The Way Up'

Pat Metheny Trio: 1999 - 2000 - Book
Songs include: '(Go) Get It, Giant Steps, Just Like the Day, Soul Cowboy, The Sun in Montreal, Capricorn, We Had a Sister, What Do You Want, A Lot of Living' To Do, Lone Jack, Travels'.
Notation and tab...................................................................Price - $24.95

Pat Metheny Plays 'Giant Steps'

Pat Metheny Trio - Live - Book
Songs include: 'Bright Size Life, Question & Answer, Giant Steps, Into The Dream, So May It Secretly Begin, The Bat, All the Things You Are, James, Unity Village, Soul Cowboy, Night Turns Into Day, Faith Healer, Counting Texas'.
Notation and tab...................................................................Price - $22.95

Pat Metheny Plays 'Question And Answer'

Pat Metheny - Unity Band - Book
This folio features transcriptions of Pat's guitar parts from his all-star collaboration with Antonio Sanchez, Ben Williams, and Chris Potter. 9 songs including: 'Breakdealer * Come and See * Interval Waltz * Leaving Town * New Year * Roofdogs * Signals (Orchestrion Sketch) * Then and Now * This Belongs to You'.
Notation and tab...................................................................Price - $22.95

Pat Metheny Plays 'Roof Dogs'

Wolf Marshall - The Best Of Jazz Guitar - Book and Online Audio
Guitarist Wolf Marshall presents a step-by-step breakdown of the guitar styles and techniques of some of the greatest jazz guitarists of all time! Several versions are presented of each song allowing you to see how different guitarists would arrange the same piece of music! Each piece - some are single note improvised solos while others are chord melody solos - also includes harmonic analysis and performance notes! Songs include: 'St. Thomas' -Jim Hall, Tal Farlow,Kenny Burrell, 'All Blues' -George Benson, Kenny Burrell, PatMartino, 'So What' -Barney Kessel, George Benson, 'All The Things You Are' -Hank Garland, Pat Metheny,
'Honeysuckle Rose' -Joe Pass and Herb Ellis, Charlie Christian, 'Satin Doll' -Howard Roberts, Joe Pass,'Yesterdays' -Johnny Smith, Tal Farlow, Wes Montgomery, 'Misty' -Barney Kessel, Wes Montgomery, Howard Roberts, 'I'll Remember April' -Johnny Smith, Grant Green, 'How Insensitive' -Pat Martino,Emily Remler. Each selection also includes authentic matching audio with backing tracks!
Notation and tab....................................................................Price - $29.95
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Pat Metheny Plays 'All The Things You Are'

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Pat Metheny - Incredible Jazz Fusion Guitar Master!
Compiled & Edited By Steven Herron

Pat Metheny was born in Lee Summit, Missouri on August 12, 1954 and has actually been one of the most significant jazz/rock guitarists since the beginning of the early 1970s. Pat's very first musical instrument was the French horn. He began to play the guitar at the age of thirteen and his first jazz heroes were trumpeter Miles Davis and jazz guitarist Wes Montgomery.
While he was still in high school in Kansas City, Pat Metheny played in numerous jazz groups and also won a 'Downbeat' magazine scholarship to a jazz stage band camp. Here he was introduced to Atilla Zoller who invited him to come to New York city and experience the jazz scene there first hand. After this visit Metheny made the choice to pursue a career in music and jazz guitar.
After Pat Metheny left high school he went to the University Of Miami. There he taught guitar in addition to doing local club and studio work for a year. His very first major career break came at the age of nineteen when he was introduced to vibraphonist Gary Burton in Wichita, Kansas. Burton was very impressed by Metheny's skill and helped him acquire a teaching position at the Berklee School of Music in Boston.
Gary Burton was also instrumental in getting a recording contract for Metheny with the prominent German record company ECM. Within a short time period Pat ended up being one of ECM's largest selling recording artists. Some of his CDs for this record company have actually gone on to sell over 100,000 copies which was downright remarkable for a young jazz guitar player who was just beginning!
After leaving Burton's group in 1977, Pat Metheny formed his own band with keyboardist Lyle Mays. This collaboration has shown to be one of the most successful in modern jazz. Since the mid 1970s Pat has played and tape-recorded with lots of the finest jazz artists of the day consisting of Steve Swallow, Paul Bley, Jaco Pastorious, Sonny Rollins, Charlie Haden, Mike Brecker, Jack DeJohnette, Dave Liebman, Ornette Coleman, and Eberhard Weber.
Metheny likewise backed singer Joni Mitchell for a significant concert tour and has actually also proven himself to be a skilled arranger who has written the musical arrangements for three films. By 1985 three of Metheny's twelve record CDs had won Grammy awards. In jazz terms Pat Metheny is a true superstar! His shows play to sell-out audiences all over the world and every new CD release racks up exceptional sales.
A gifted composer and improvisor, Pat Metheny has turned into one of the most inspired and prominent jazz/rock fusion guitar players of the day. While playing, recording, and touring with The Pat Metheny Group, Pat played not just the standard 6 string electric and acoustic guitars, but was also one of the very first to explore the guitar synthesizer in addition to the 12 string electric guitar, the 42 string Pikasso guitar, an acoustic sitar guitar, and a baritone guitar!
2010's 'Orchestration' was a really unique project in which Metheny's guitar triggered the playing of a number of acoustic instruments, providing him a chance to 'play an orchestra'. Among his most current projects has been leading The Unity Band which is a quartet with Chris Potter, bassist Ben Williams, and drummer Antonio Sanchez. Regardless of whether he is playing mainstream jazz standards or his original jazz fusion instrumentals, Pat Metheny remains one of the most exciting and innovative guitar players alive today!

Jazz Guitar Chords & Arpeggio Patterns - Stacy McKee- This unique book includes 300 jazz guitar chord formations and matching single note arpeggio patterns in a quick reference format that no one has ever done before! Cross indexing makes this manual extremely easy to use and regardless of what style of music you play, we know you will find this to be a valuable, 'must have' addition to your library. Stacy McKee was the featured guitarist with 'Les Brown and The Band Of Renown' and for a limited time only, we will include an exclusive copy of his book FREE with your first order!
>Click here to see the Stacy McKee Chord Melody Solo Collection<

Wikipedia article on Pat Metheny
Wikipedia article on jazz guitar

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